unstable equilibrium

英 [ʌnˈsteɪbl ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm] 美 [ʌnˈsteɪbl ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm]

n.  不稳定平衡



  1. So you see, that's the difference between stable equilibrium and unstable equilibrium.
  2. Direct method; Power system transient stability; Extended equal area crit-erion; Potential energy boundary surface; Relevant unstable equilibrium point;
  3. A new method based on adjoint system and minus system to compute unstable equilibrium points on the stability boundary of power system classical model is proposed.
  4. With a fractional reserve system you're in an unstable equilibrium.
  5. Recently, a new direct method, called the adjoint gradient system method, has been proposed for computing the controlling unstable equilibrium point ( CUEP) in transient stability analysis.
  6. Computation of Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point Corresponding to Instability Mode of Transient Voltage
  7. No matter which is chosen, it may also lead to an unstable equilibrium.
  8. Most of the methods determine the stability boundary in case of the given controlling unstable equilibrium point ( CUEP).
  9. For a type of complex competition diffusion system with two species, the existence of monotone traveling wave solutions is investigated from an unstable equilibrium to a stable one.
  10. But this is an unstable equilibrium that will probably not be sustained far into next year.
  11. A new method of chaotic control with evolutionary RBF neural network is presented for stabilizing chaotic orbits on an unstable equilibrium embeded within a Lorenz chaotic attractor.
  12. The movement equations of power system should be expressed first in matrix formula-tion before the calculation of stable and unstable manifolds on a controlling unstable equilibrium point in application of normal form theory.
  13. The chaotic trajectories of the new system with known parameters can be effectively guided to any unstable equilibrium point or period solution by the linear state feedback method.
  14. In this paper, the characteristics of physical stability and unstable equilibrium point are analyzed based on the trajectory of dynamic process to further realize the synchronization stability features in multi-machine power system.
  15. A new method based on the theory of adjoint systems to compute the controlling unstable equilibrium point is presented.
  16. Computing the Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point Based on the Theory of Adjoint Systems
  17. According to the stability region theory of constrained dynamic system, the restricted stability boundary is composed of stable manifolds of unstable equilibrium points, periodic orbits and semi-saddles on the boundary, and portions of the boundary of the feasible region.
  18. Relationship between the Number of Critical Cut-sets and the Type of Unstable Equilibrium Point with Respect to Transient Angle Stability
  19. It controls the chaotic system to its unstable equilibrium points effectively by adaptively adding the first state variable to the right-hand side of the second equation or adding the second variable y to the right-hand side of the first equation.
  20. This paper discusses the jump behavior in the network preserving model and difficulties caused by the application of traditional Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Points ( UEP) Method to it.
  21. In this paper a new method is adopted to search for the stable manifolds of unstable equilibrium points so that the stable manifolds of equilibrium points are found easily through partial differential equations.
  22. Unstable equilibrium points and transient stability
  23. Furthermore, local stability boundary of the unstable equilibrium points is approximated by the second order hyper surfaces.
  24. Numerical simulations show that the method can both suppress chaos to unstable equilibrium points and unstable periodic orbits ( limit cycles) successfully.
  25. Stabilization of unstable equilibrium points in a new chaotic system
  26. The single parameter sampled data feedback control directs the system to unstable equilibrium point with only one parameter.
  27. A transient angle unstable mode of power system closely relates to a controlling unstable equilibrium point ( UEP).
  28. Application of Switch Method to Calculate the Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point of Electric Power System
  29. This paper presents the stability limits prediction by sensitivity based BCU method using network structure preserving model. The main feature is that it does not rely on the assumption that the controlling unstable equilibrium point does not change when the operation parameter changes.